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The Foundation of the Christian School for Apologetics and Islamic Theology
On the 5th of October 2021, the Christian School for Apologetics and Islamic Theology (S.C.A.I. – Scuola Cristiana di Apologetica e di Islamistica) has been founded in Italy. It is the first and currently only evangelical school of apologetics in Italy that specializes in Islam.
The School’s aim is to train a new generation of believers in Christ who are capable of
reaching Muslims in Italy and abroad, being well–rooted in biblical theology and aware of
the Muslim mindset and Islamic theology. The school is designed to equip them to serve
God and bring the Gospel to Muslims, through His grace and by the power of the Holy Spirit.
We offer an academic degree combining the study of apologetics towards Islam with
specialized biblical and theological studies aimed at the local church, intercultural
ministries, or those willing to continue their apologetic studies.
Our students may already have attended a Bible school, but require additional skills to
unleash their full potential. The School is open to students from all Italian evangelical
backgrounds and without any mandatory prerequisites.
The training we provide is not just theory but also very practical, with special focus on the
evangelistic missionary work. Students will be learning techniques and strategies to
approach their Muslim friends in the most appropriate way, and how to make a
relationship the driving force to create witnessing opportunities.
We hope that once the training course is over, students will be enriched with wisdom and
sensitivity, showing that same ‘holy way’ of looking at people and loving them as Jesus
did. We wish for each student to look at a Muslim neighbor through His eyes, being fully
equipped with the educational resources we provide, and for them to be more involved
and stimulated in witnessing to Muslims in Italy and in the world.
The driving force behind S.C.A.I. has been Dr. Francesco Maggio who deeply cares about
the Islamic community in Italy and advocates a respectful dialogue between the faiths.
Together with wife, he founded META Onlus in 2001 and the Islamecom ministry in
Maggio’s vision for S.C.A.I. had been in the back of his mind since 1992 until it was finally
turned to a legal entity in October 2021. This same vision is shared by his co-founders,
who continuously and relentlessly strive to improve the education of apologetics to Islam.
The Purpose of S.C.A.I.
The Christian School for Apologetics and Islamic Theology is meant to meet a need arising from some of the premises listed below. We acknowledge that Islam in Italy has shown::
- a desire for separation, thereby creating a parallel community;
- a manipulation of a democratic society’s tolerance while promoting intolerance among their own circles;
- an imposition of laws to stifle criticism;
- a call for halal meat to be distributed in prisons, schools and hospitals;
- an increase of controversy in university campuses;
- a tendency to erase the Christian presence (or impose its own supremacy) once attained any form of power;
- the teaching of key points exactly opposed to the Gospel’s;
- an effort to undermine and undo the work of Christ;
- the teaching of traditional Islamic history in schools, while ignoring all discrepancies with more recent archaeological discoveries;
- a longing for the establishment of the Sharia law in Europe;
- an easy spreading of its ideology due to low opposition.
S.C.A.I. Opens its Doors
The Christian School for Apologetics and Islamic Theology aims to promote the education
of Christians who have limited or no experience in this field. This vision is fully shared and
stimulated by the Schools’ co-founders and its specialized staff.
S.C.A.I. seeks to support churches and missions witnessing the Good News to their
Muslim neighbors, introducing them to biblical and historical evangelical Christianity.
S.C.A.I. supports students in a targeted way while providing them the opportunity to put
into practice everything they learn in the program. The School curriculum focuses on skills
and knowledge that are most relevant for a dialogue with people from a Muslim
S.C.A.I. – Your Companion
S.C.A.I. makes comparisons between the Islamic religion and the Christian faith, aiming to expose the authentic doctrinal nature of Islam.
S.C.A.I. teaches the origins, fundamental doctrines and practices of Islam, including its beliefs about Christianity. It exposes contradictions in Islamic teaching and their erroneous concepts regarding the Christian faith, the Bible and the Person of Christ.
S.C.A.I. supports churches and missions in their effort to settle the interreligious disputes with Islam, which are often cause for embarrassment or a source of a misunderstanding between Muslims and Christians.
S.C.A.I. has divided its mandate into five specific categories:
S.C.A.I. provides Evangelical denominations with academic information for their dealings with Muslims in Italy and may participate in specific church initiatives upon request.
In the light of the current challenges, S.C.A.I. turns away from syncretistic trends, which have shown to undermine the Christian testimony. Instead of compromising the Christian faith, S.C.A.I. takes the initiative for the recovery of biblical truths.
We feel that S.C.A.I.’s presence occurs at a unique moment in history, being destined to fill an existing void in our evangelical landscape. May S.C.A.I. be welcome in the churches! By joining forces, we can further the cause and help spread the Gospel among our Muslim neighbors, to the glory of God.
S.C.A.I. is active on social media to promote the vision and create a vast prayer network able to fight the spiritual battle, which inevitably arises against ministries such as this.
The S.C.A.I. Team
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Dr. Francesco Maggio Vice President S.C.A.I

Giovanni Greco
Attended the Italian Evangelical Biblical Institute in Rome, where he graduated in
Biblical and Theological Formation. In September 2015, received his BA in
Christian Theology and Education from Shepherd International University.

Francesco Maggio
Founder and President of META Onlus from 2001 to 2018. A reknown scholar, researcher, evangelist and apologist on doctrinal issues
of Islam, since 2018 he’s the founder and coordinator of the Islamecom Ministry.

Riccardo Ricci
Educational Director
After serving at his church in Pesaro for five years, he is now working as missionary in a church-planting project abroad.Co-founder of Islamecom and Didactic Director of the SCAI School.